Tips for a Successful Columbus High School Senior Portrait Photography

Hi, I am Brian Kellogg!

As a full-time wedding photographer, I do not only cover wedding all over the Ohio but also handle the wedding photography throughout the world (with a minimal travel charge). When it comes to planning a Columbus High School senior portrait photography session, then I get excited to click the energetic and fashionable individuals. Right from the start, I do several things to tailor a perfect shoot and run a smooth session of senior portrait photography.

Here are some awesome tips that describe my way of ensuring a high-end senior portrait photography for Columbus High School, Ohio, please have a look!

Senior Pictures Columbus Ohio

Before the Shoot:

1. After I am hired for a senior portrait photography, my first purpose is to look forward in doing the best to create a unique look, inspired pictures and memorable experience for the Columbus high school seniors.

2. To know the students, I send each senior a set of tailored questionnaire like:

  • What are your favorite features?

  • Do you have any specific locations for your shoot?

  • How would you love to spend your ideal Saturday?

  • What is your personal style?

3. It is true that seniors are always up to date about the latest styles, but still, they often need help when deciding what to wear for their session. For which, a week before the shoot, I use to give them specific ideas of what to bring with them. This helps the students in achieving a perfect look for their portfolio for senior portrait photography.


On the Day of the Shoot:

In the morning, I contact my clients to know at what time and where we are going to meet up as well as also make sure in reducing their anxiety levels.

1. I simply talk with them, ask them questions and find out their plans for the future, which encourage them and make the students feel appreciated, valued and confident.

2. I do not only boost their confidence level but also make sure in making each individual feel comfortable in front of the camera.

3. Each person is uniquely different, for which, I make sure to help the seniors to pose in a perfect way.

4. Make use of the props! I make sure in bringing with me some props for my seniors like an old folding chair, some books, a cute beach hat.

Kellogg Photography always makes sure in delivering the best Columbus High School senior portrait photography service. We believe in creating the timelessness photographs!

Please visit this url: to check out the price and the package of the senior portraits for Columbus High school, Ohio! Feel free to give me a call today at 614.437.8404!

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